
Welcome to Sanctuary Spa of Long Beach, where our luxurious services are complimented by our cozy, boutique setting.

Book an appointment today and restore your glow with an Oxygen Facial, or unwind with our Signature Massage.

It’s officially fall! Technically, that happened on September 22nd for the rest of the world, but for us Southern California folks, that didn’t happen until about 3 hours ago, honestly. Even so, our sunny fall days don’t stop us from joining the rest of the country in it’s favorite time of year… Pumpkin Season! With...

Dermatologists and skin care experts are continuously searching for greater ways to take care of our skin, and faster methods of reaching our goals. Facials, microdermabrasion, botox, laser… these are common treatments that provide us with a variety of skin care options. In honor of Halloween, we thought we would talk about another treatment that...

Ahh, spa days. There truly is nothing quite like having the opportunity to carve out some time to take care of both your body and mind. Because we specialize in skin care, the majority of the services we provide are facials. We love being able to transform someone’s day with an afternoon of relaxation, but are...

We all know autumn as the time of year where nature sheds the old to make room for the new. Leaves change color and fall from their branches, and the trees prepare themselves for a new round of fresh, vibrant life. But the trees aren’t the only ones shedding the old and embracing the new. Here at...

The largest organ of your body is your skin. It’s no wonder we invest so much time and money into our skin care products. But all that time and money is pointless if the products we are using contain chemicals that cause more harm than good. Not every chemical is bad, and we want to make that...

We wish you extra kisses under mistletoe, Coal that instantly turns to diamonds, A tree decorated with only Tiffany’s, Cookies with calories that don’t count, A stocking stuffed with Sanctuary Spa Gift Cards, An endless bottle of bubbly, And the merriest, happiest, most joyous season!

I don’t know about you, but I always get so excited for the holidays. Who doesn’t? From Halloween through New Year’s, we are given complete, nondiscrimination permission to overindulge in all the tasteful pleasures. Candy? Yes. Pie? Definitely. Eggnog? I’ll take two. As fun as it is to indulge, January quickly shows it’s disapproving face, and we feel...

Have you ever had a breakout that just seems to never disappear? Us, too. We’ve tried all the home remedies. Ice. Toothpaste. Ibuprofen. When that didn’t work, we ran to Target and bought as many skin care products we could find with “acne” in the name. We exhaust all our options and eventually settle for “I...

Be Our Valentine?

February 3, 2023

We have a special treat for you this Valentine’s Day! Ask your esthetician about our Chocolate Covered Strawberries Masque to include in your February facial. By combining two of our favorite masques from Eminence Organic Skin Care, your senses will be completely indulged with a treatment designed to produce rich hydration and soft, plump skin....

Hyperpigmentation That long word that is supposedly what you’re supposed to call those spots on your skin that you so desperately want to get rid of. To simply define it, hyperpigmentation is the word we use to describe darker spots on the skin. However, there are different types and different methods of treatment.    TYPES...
Our Commitment

Our mission is to provide outstanding services that nurture, heal, and revitalize your mind, body, and soul. We pride ourselves on our decadent, personalized services that are enriched by our seasoned professionals.

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