Turmeric is a wonder spice, possessing all types of health benefits from skincare to disease prevention. There is significant evidence that supports this super food having the ability to help fight serious illnesses, even cancer. Working this magical ingredient into your diet and skincare routine can have incredible effects.
When using turmeric in conjunction with skincare, use a pinch or dilute to avoid staining. Add a bit to your normal cleanser (facial or body) for a deeper scrub that will remove all of the impurities that were clogging your complexion. Turmeric works as a spot treatment when mixed with a bit of water or Manuka honey, and then applied directly to the blemish. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties help with acne, and scarring as well.
In the stomach, it stimulates production of bile that breaks down fat in the body. In addition to healthy eating and regular exercise, a teaspoon of turmeric at mealtimes is helpful for those trying to lose weight naturally.
Turmeric detoxifies the liver to support overall health. Its antioxidant properties fight free radicals and provide anti-aging benefits in the skin.
The flu fighter is turmeric’s main active component, curcumin. It is the ultimate in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in healing cuts and curing the flu or common cold. Working like the natural version of Airborne, turmeric is successful in preventing a cold, or helping the body heal faster if it is already sick.
Turmeric has been suggested to fight more serious battles. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a leading biochemist who has studied nutrition and its effects. She has conducted extensive research and passionately promotes turmeric for Alzheimer and cancer prevention.
Add turmeric to your diet for flawless skin and to take your health to the next level!