We’ve Got Your Back - Sanctuary Spa & Skin Care

February 3, 2023

Summer is right around the corner, and we can hardly wait to whip out our bathing suits and BBQs. But if you’re one of the millions of people who suffers from back acne, you might not be as jazzed jumping into that bikini this year. That’s why we’re bringing you some of our favorite prevention and treatment tips for taking care of bacne before the summer hits the ground running!


First things first.

It’s important to note that bacne is not an uncommon concern for many people. The truth is, anywhere you have hair follicles, you have the ability to develop acne. That’s why bacne develops for the same reasons as facial acne: excess oil, dirt, debris, bacteria, hormones, or a combination of these agents. However, treatment of bacne does differ from the treatment of facial acne. The skin on your body is thicker, has larger pores, and more active oil glands than the skin on your face. That makes it easier for the pores on your body to clog and lead to larger, more inflamed acne, also known as Cystic Acne.

Prevention and Treatment. 

  • Opt for lighter, more breathable clothing (like cotton), especially while exercising to avoid sweat being trapped in your pores.
  • Shower immediately after sweating. Esthetician KC Bradley says, “Usually the clients who suffer from back acne are those who frequently work out and sweat often. It’s important to shower right away and exfoliate often in order to avoid sweat and dirt building up in your pores.” 
  • Exfoliate. Because the skin on your back is thicker than the skin on your face, it needs to be exfoliated more often in order to stay clean.

I’ve tired all that. Now what? 

  • Make sure all the products you are using for your hair and body are “non-comedogenic”. In simple terms, that means they won’t clog your pores. If your products are non-comedogenic, it will usually be listed boldly on the bottle.
  • Switch detergent, body wash, or shampoo. It could be as simple as your skin not liking an ingredient in an everyday item you wash with.
  • Wash your sheets weekly. Even if they feel clean, trust us, they aren’t. Make sure you’re changing your sheets weekly and your pillow cases 2-3 times per week to avoid the growth of bacteria.
  • Invest in an over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide cream for treating breakouts.
  • If you’re still struggling with bacne, consider making an appointment with a trusted Esthetician or Dermatologist for a professional evaluation and treatment plan.


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Our mission is to provide outstanding services that nurture, heal, and revitalize your mind, body, and soul. We pride ourselves on our decadent, personalized services that are enriched by our seasoned professionals.

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